Dear friends
An urgent matter has come up. In January of 2009 I was onsite in Cambodia when government forces and 400 hired workers descended on Dey Krahorm a community in Phnom Penh Cambodia. They forcibly evicted all the families from their own land claiming they had no title to this land and sold the rights to a development company called 7NG.
It was the most devastating experience of my life and paled in comparison to the people that were affected . God really used this moment to confirm my calling to Cambodia and the people of Dey Krahorm.
The development company moved the residents 20km west of the city and 400 of the families were immediately told they were not even welcome on that site either.So a year later they were moved again 38km north of the city to an empty field . I have visited this site many times and have been getting to know the community.A flood in my own place from a strong rain turned my attention to the people of this village and put a request out to my supporters for help in financing for blue tarps for this communities roofs before the rainy season descends .
In my request the information I gave was not complete ...I was told their was 70 homes in this community but after taking a count and seeing the condition of the roofs(pictures attached) there are actually 97 homes and the tarps are 13.50 not 12 dollars. I have mobilised a small force of 50 people consisting of youth groups ,Christian youth leaders a Cambodian English class(non-Christian) and another class from a local Christian school to come help this community put the tarps on. There is a cost involved in transporting some of these groups and providing water and some food for the long hot day of work.
I have had a great response from my supporters and am now only short the extended costs which amount to appox 450 dollars.I pray there will be enough funding so I do not not have to decide which families receive a tarp and which families will go without.
This is an urgent request as the outreach is next saturday and the people are mobilised to help.
For those who would like to contribute from afar their is a paypal link on my blog at
Here’s a link to photos, some taken as recently as within the last week:
Click on the link below to make an online donation to this effort thru PayPal:
Many thanks in advance for considering this urgent request.
God bless.
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