Monday, April 30, 2012

May 2012 - Personal requests

As everyone knows it takes many people to come together in order for me to be here and share God's love. We have many needs for the community and I will attach a document sharing about our ministry vision,missions statement and the projects we have ongoing. I pray that you will spend a little time and pray how God can use you to help those in need here in Cambodia.

This month brings a pressing need of a personal nature in three regards.

1. Leakhena and I are short about $800 dollars to complete our home so we can move in to the community this month. Our personal support is extremely low but does provide us with the basic necessities and we are grateful for God's provision through our supporters.This money would be used to provide a working toilet and electrical to our home.

2.. Leakhena the faithful servant that she is quit her job in december( which provided almost $300 a month which she helped provide for her family ) knowing God wanted her to start up the ministry Manna4life and she has been amazing at getting things together for our new ministry as there is only the two of us at this moment. BY looking at the document attached you will see how busy we are and all that is happening and are amazed at God's provision for this community. An indigenous missionary like Leakhena is makes it very hard to raise support for herself as Cambodia is a poor country and many of her friends make only a small amount as salary. I am asking on her behalf if you can help Leakhena with monthly support through your small groups or as an individual...we will be set up shortly to give tax receipts for personal donations but not at this moment (1-2 months away) . Please consider this in prayer

3. My motorcycle has been a great asset to our ministry as it is our only mode of transportation...I travel approximately 3000km a month doing outreach to the community and others . My motorcycle is 17 years old and demands monthly if not weekly repairs and this has both been frustrating and a drain on our limited finances.It costs approx $2500 for a reliable motorcycle and I am in dire need of one. With all the resources needed in the community I find it very difficult to put out personal requests but feel that this issue is an important one. Most of you know that I live a simple life and would not be asking if it wasn't a necessity in order to function here. Please prayerfully consider my request.

Thank you and Som Preah En Pro Te An Poh(May God bless You)

kevin knight               Manna4Life

P.s. For those feeling led to commit financially to help us they can contact me at or our giving page on our blog at       

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Manna4Life - Mission, Vision & Needs

God has blessed Manna4Life and the community with many ongoing projects in various stages of completion. It is our goal to continue to walk with Christ in making these projects come to fruition and to Glorify Him. We cannot do this without the Body of Christ working together to bring " His Kingdom o n earth as it is in Heaven." HERE IS THE LINK TO A NOTE on Manna4Life its Mission and Vision and the needs of the Ministry. Please spend some time reading this and asking our Lord how he would like you to join us in sharing His love to this community. 


Kevin and Leakhena 


Friday, April 6, 2012

Easter 2012

Just some thoughts and prayers and wishing all a deeper understanding of our Lord's sacrifice for us

Agape Love

I have been thinking a lot about agape love lately and how essential it is in our lives if we are to follow Christ.

It is now the Easter season and one which I know reinforces the love we know that Christ has for us. It is a time that we reflect and think prayerfully of the ultimate sacrifice Christ paid for us . We are blessed to also rejoice in His resurrection and with grateful hearts we give thanks.

Christ I believe wants us to met Him on a deeper level than that of gratitude but one of entering into love for others that transcends “normal” understanding. A sacrificial love that affects not just the people around us but ourselves and our relationship with Christ. He wants us to meet Him in a place many will not go….we love and love greatly at times…and at others as soon as the pain gets to much retreat. Jesus in the garden even asks the Father if there is any other way please take this from me. Jesus knew just as many of us know that there is no other way but that doesn’t stop us from trying. We look for less painful ways to interact with each other and to assure us we are ok the way we are walking . We congregrate in small groups at church (that in itself not a bad thing) but we tend to enter into groups that have the same socio-economic class. We can justify what we are doing with our lives and finances because all the people around us are doing the same. Our churches can be that way too…how many people have gone church shopping until they find one where they “belong” again probably a same age group or class.

Many choose to take a step the other way…some of my supporters are in that category where they step out and engage with people outside their “norm” and I believe are finding that God has blessed them by allowing them to love deeper. We do a lot of great things in the name of Christ as Christians we support numerous charities and mission groups and volunteer at drop-ins and community centers ,teach ,disciple,visit hospitals and the elderly. Most people that do those things will attest that they get so much out of it and feel blessed to serve. Where is the anguish of loving completely when we receive more than we give.

Christ knew the real cost of love.

This Easter as the Lord is heavy on your heart maybe it is a time to ask Him….Father I know there is not another way…Father do not let me count the costs of loving ….Father I want to love like you love us….Father guide me with your tears to where you want me to serve…Father do not take away the pain of loving but let me understand the pain of my friends through it….Father for all the times it gets too hard let me instantly run to you and not away from my calling...…Father please!!... will you use me?