The Gospel ...the Good News...what does that mean to the poor.? What is good news? Rice being offered today? I have enough to feed my family today? It didn't rain on our home last night? The doctor is coming today? Only one child is sick? I had work today?
Do the basic necessities of Life need to be met before anyone will listen to the Gospel of Christ?
MLK said
Any religion which professes to be concerned with the souls of men and is not concerned with the slums that damn them, the economic conditions that strangle them, and the social conditions that cripple them, is a dry-as-dust religion.
Other than using the word religion I would put in the word Gospel.
The lack of direct involvement by many in ministry to justice issues astounds me. Did not Jesus speak into the powers and governments of the day and preach something about a Kingdom that was the exact opposite of what was happening? Did he not speak into the injustices of the day? What about restorative justice when our friends have had their lives and land stolen from them?
There is a bit of a rally on right now around an NGO law that will severely restrict the NGOs and there ability to speak up. Freedom of congregation and assembly etc.
It has brought all the NGOs together in signing documents against this unjust law. Most of the Christian organizations are signing it which is great but confuses me somewhat.
Seeing the Kingdom of God....on earth as it is in heaven what I am trying to share and talk about and live out to the best of my ability and seeking God's wisdom and guidance and transforming powers and Grace everyday. Sharing that the poor are first in His upside down Kingdom that it is my honour to be able to stand alongside those suffering alongside their evictions alongside their sufferings. But where are all the Christians?
They have all come together to sign this document but that is when there is a threat to their own little Kingdom. Where are they when all the other petitions need signed the other atrocities to the poor that restrict their ability to speak out and congregate or unionize etc.
We can not put justice aside until it affects us directly. I am not speaking out of anger or without humility...I am not out on the front lines as much as I should be too when I have to prioritize what needs to be done this week this month that day. Jesus never had a problem speaking into the unjust. God will you give me the strength to be able to stand up and be counted when it affects not just myself but my neighbours, my friends, the people that I love, the poor, the voiceless.
Some of my friends in Indonesia are under direct threat of eviction at this time so please pray for their community. Some have lived there 20 to 30 years and are being offered 50 dollars to move quietly ..if they move now.
I pray that I am seeing the holistic needs of my community and the Gospel that I share of salvation and forgiveness and Grace and Agape love is received with the same excitement I share it.
Please pray for the community I am engaging life with and sharing loves and sorrows and pray for us all to prioritize our lives the way Jesus wants us too and not in our will.
If your reading this on my blog my post before shared some of the material needs of the community but this blog post is specifically asking for the richest gift of all ..prayer to our mighty God.
God bless
Kevin and Leakhena
p.s. check out our new facebook page
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